Cure Intestinal Worms
Worm eggs are very easy to spread. The eggs worm is the forerunner of intestinal worms on your child. For those of you who understand and care with the health of children, of course, very concerned about the cleanliness of food they consume, but if your child is already exposed to intestinal worms, then you should immediately take them to the doctor. Children are not with us for 24 hours straight, we do not know what they consume outside the home, such as snacks that they eat at school or in the stalls.
The way to overcome the intestinal worms is to stop transmission. You can eradicate the fly or worm eggs carrying cockroaches, flies usually very instrumental in bringing the eggs into the food our children eat. Moreover, the suggestion is good sanitation can also minimize transmission.
Although we do some things over, do not rule out the possibility of our children are still contracting the worm eggs. Recommended for mothers to give children routine helminthic every 6 months in accordance with the advice of a doctor.
Take the medication of worms that can eradicate all kinds of worms, especially whipworm (Trichuris trichiura), so that our baby is not exposed to intestinal worms.
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