Intestinal Worms Blog

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Intestinal Worms: Hookworm

After we discuss about pinworms, now we will discuss other types of intestinal worms, namely hookworms. This parasite inhabits the human intestine, especially children. Worms of this type are also found in tropical countries, especially with high humidity. Slums is also a favorite place of hookworm.

 <img src="" alt="Intestinal Worms, Hookworms, "/>

In addition, this type of intestinal worms (hookworms) can be sticky on the skin. When these parasites are sticky in our skin, then our skin will also feel itchy, after a tremendous itching, usually on our skin rashes and scabby bubble. Moreover, in patients who have entered the severe stage, patients will usually have other health problems, such as pallor, weight loss, decreased brain thinking power, especially in young growth will be impaired, in adult women will lead to the absence of menstruation, arising edema (fluid collection) in the legs or body, less blood, and others.

Once we know the consequences that would arise if infected with intestinal worms, then we should do several things to keep ourselves or our children from hookworm infection

How to Avoid Hookworm Infection

  •  Getting used to the children and adults to always use footwear when walking in the dirt. 
  • Keeping the skin clean, especially the feet and hands.
  Hopefully the description about intestinal worms is beneficial for you

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