History of Intestinal Worms
you know, intestinal worms have been
known for a long time, people are already familiar with these parasites since
3500 years ago. Can
we imagine people who were living in the ancient world are familiar with this
disease and be able to handle it, very incredible. In
contrast to the present age, intestinal worms are spread throughout the world. These
parasites can infect all ages, from toddlers, children, adolescents, adults,
even though the elderly.
Intestinal worm disease can be found all over the world, but the prevalence of helminth infection is very high in the temperate countries of tropical and developing countries like in Africa, Latin America and Asia. There is a sad, worms experienced by many people who have poor economic conditions, they tend to have the state of nutrition and malnutrition. So, can we both know that the worms attacked many of those living below the poverty line.
For certain conditions, tropical climate with high humidity is a very good home for breeding intestinal worms. This condition is very good for growth and development of the Intestinal worms, and is not good for our health, especially our children.
In countries which have natural conditions as mentioned earlier, the problem of intestinal worms become a major problem for the health of their children. In general, the prevalence of worm infection ranged from 60-70% among the population in various age groups in different regions. The high prevalence of intestinal worms in addition to the influence of this evolving climate, is also strongly influenced by socio-economic circumstances, lack of knowledge about personal hygiene and environmental sanitation are inadequate.
Hopefully with this article, add insight, so that there is a sense we are all concerned with our health, especially our children who are vulnerable to intestinal worm infections. Maybe that's all we can discuss for the moment, for more complete information and the depth will be discussed in subsequent articles.
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