This article is a continuation of this article. Intestinal worms is still a fairly complicated issue for parents, and adults in the warm and humid. In fact, about a quarter of Earth's inhabitants suffer from intestinal worms, especially the hookworm. Hookworm infections caused by intestinal roundworms, such as Ancylostoma and Necator americanus doudenel, the worm is the cause of hookworm infection.
Hookworm |
Both types of worms are very common in tropical regions. Ancylostoma doudenel mostly found in Mediterranean, India, china and japan. While Necator americanus were encountered area of Africa, Asia and America.
Hookworms live in the human small intestine. This worm cause intestinal worms and very annoying process of metabolism in our body. These worms cause an infection in a filariform. Usually, after the eggs hatch, the larvae emerge rhabditiform which will then develop into larvae filarifor.
Hookworm eggs in human fases. And will hatch about 1-2 days later in the soil. Hookworm larvae will go back into the human body through the feet that walk on bare ground. Larvae will walk the path in the body through the bloodstream which eventually arrived in the lungs and into the stone and swallowed again. Symptoms of an allergic reaction include local or whole body, anemia and abdominal pain.
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