Intestinal worms usually suffered by children. However, in some cases, also often occurs in adults, one of which is in pregnant women. When you are pregnant, may have felt dizzy, dizzy vision, weakness, and so on, it's a symptom of anemia is often experienced by pregnant women. Pregnant mothers have a risk of anemia.
Pregnant women need a lot of nutrients, either for herself or for an existing child in the womb. When pregnant women suffer from anemia, it will typically decrease appetite, will result in not good for health. One cause of maternal anemia is intestinal worms, therefore, the intestinal worms need serious treatment.
The case of intestinal worms in pregnant women occurs in many tropical countries. The problem is caused by unhealthy lifestyles, not clean, or because of lack of clean water. The case of intestinal worms in pregnant women affects many women in the countryside, about 10% and 5% in urban areas. However, the problem with worms in pregnant women still do not get serious attention from various circles.
Intestinal worms in pregnant women can lead to pale, and looked emaciated. Deworming in pregnant women can cause anemia, weight loss due to maternal micronutrient deficiency in the blood which causes the supply of nutrition of pregnant women and fetuses is reduced.
If you suffer from symptoms of intestinal worms, as above, should be examined to see a doctor. To eradicate worm infections should be as recommended by your doctor. However, during the first third of pregnancy should not take medication that kills the worms. Therefore, pregnant women are encouraged to maintain cleanliness to break the cycle of the worm so that no re-infection. After that treatment must be done with the supervision of a doctor.
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